Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The harvest is coming in now. I've canned batches of jam and peaches. I really want to get some cucumbers to make pickles, but have enough on my plate for the moment. My Oldest Daughter (whom I'll call Sunshine) is starting kindergarten soon. The teacher is coming for a home visit on thursday. It's so old fashioned that she does that still. I love it! I love this town!

This picture is priceless. I want to spread it around the internet a bit, if I can. Hopefully some people will stop mutilating their son's genitals one

1 comment:

fern said...

happy harvest jazz.. your garden looks so beautiful! and bestest wishes for H.'s first days of school. i think she is going to love it.
elwynn says "i would like H & S to come over" be well sister.